As opposed to the blistering heat that would turn us into goo, today was cooler. The trees on the campus, which usually make it bearable to walk through every day, felt like an addition today. A coolness to the cold. Not a necessity but a decoration.
Instead of sweat collecting on faces, which would frown in annoyance, our foreheads were relaxed, no wrinkles in sight. There weren't many classes either. In fact, none at all.
The rain had made the earth softer, the leaves brighter, and some of the faces lighter. It lend the world colour like it was asking us to look at the rainbow we had on land.
Birds sang, dogs lazed around, and the world felt softer and rounder. I couldn't see the horizon, but I could feel it. It was as though the rain had washed away not just the dirt but some worries, at least for a moment.
Some water splashed onto my new slippers, but I didn't care much. Not as much as I would on some other day. It felt like anger wasn’t suited for this weather. While, of course, one doesn’t choose their feelings according to the weather, the way I reacted was certainly influenced by the brighter hue of the leaves and the cool breeze.
The rain could calm some storms, even as it created puddles and soaked through shoes.
I hated the rain when it left my dried clothes wet again. But today, I had no clothes hung up. There was no laundry to worry about, no chore to be undone. Today, the rain was a visitor, not an intruder.
The rain touched us all, clinging onto leaves in tear-shaped pleas, breaking through roofs, splashing against ankles, and soaking some from head to toe.
It had done its work on the world and on me, softening the hard edges and brightening the dull places, even if just for a short while.
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